Sunday, April 1, 2012

Week 1 Post # 1

Have you ever blogged before?  What is your experience with it?  What do you know about it?  Have you ever read other people's blogs?


  1. This is the first time that I have ever blogged. I have little to no experience with blogging. I know that blogging is a way for people to express their views and opinion on an interactive site. I have read different sports blogs that are linked to national sites.

    The link to my blog is as follows:

    1. Oop's entered the wrong link to my blog, here is the correct one:

  2. I've never blogged before, but I get the idea of it. I know a lot about it, and my wife has made websites based on blogging sites (Wordpress). I read a lot of message boards, but I stay off of blogs for the most part. This course may change that!

  3. I have never blogged before but have always wanted to start one. I have zero experience with it then, but I love reading other blogs. I follow numerous running blogs, of which I read about 5 each day. I feel they are very motivating and a small insight into other peoples' lives. The link to my blog is as follows:

  4. I did my intro blog for week 1, blog 1. Then I did the 10 Picture assignment, and somehow it added to my week 1 blog instead of being a separate blog. I'm not sure why nor how to fix it. Any help would be appreciated!

  5. I have read other people's blogs. I read my niece's when she was in Malawi a couple o years ago and my friend's blog "Iowa Girl." I attempted to have my students post their personal essay to a blog in the past, but I didn't do the class blog correctly, I guess, so it didn't work out. The link to my blog is:

  6. I have read many other people's blogs and love doing so, but have never written my own because I feel like I don't have anything that interesting to write about! I am afraid of the time commitment that seems needed for a blog to be worthwhile.

  7. I have never been a blogger. A faint desire to write a book has burned inside of me for years, but have just found writing to be monotonous. I want to really start exploring writing and blogging in particular to expand my teaching and expand how my students are interacting and writing outside of school. There are some blogs I prescribe to, most of which deal with athletics or education. This will be a great experience for all of us involved.

  8. I have never blogged before, but I am excited to learn more about them and how to use them. Here is the link to my blog. I hope it's up and running.

  9. I have never blogged before, but I do follow several blogs (mostly sports related). I want to motivate my students to research and learn outside of class. I feel guiding them with a blog will be fun and educational.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I have never had a blog before and I don't really follow any blogs. It seems simple enough and I think it is something that I could incorporate into my class.

  12. Umm...I have never blogged, read a blog, and don't really know much about blogging either!?! I found it VERY difficult to begin my blog page and set it up, but I think I finally got it...Taking these CCUs have given me a new energy to get into the classroom and begin a new year using more technology.

  13. I have used Google Docs personally and professionally. I am a director of BPS Day Camp and I saved the directors an entire day of planning field trips by creating a Google Doc. I have also used Google Docs with staff at staff meetings. There is so much more involvement when you have staff members contribute to a Google Docs rather than shout answers or suggestions out. I would like to learn more about incorporating Google Docs in the classroom so I can better assist teachers.
    -Becky Baldwin
